10. - 14.2.

Susanne Holst  "Tagesschau" ARD tgl. 12h - 17.15h


Julia Westlake  "Kulturjournal" NDR 22.45h

    24. - 28.2.

Susanne Holst  "Tagesschau" ARD tgl. 12h - 17.15h


Vera Cordes  "Visite" NDR 20.15h

   10. + 16.2.

Sara Bildau  "heute" ZDF um 12.00h + 17.00h


Susanne Holst  "Wissen vor acht" ARD 19.45h

   11. + 16.2.

Sara Bildau  "heute Xpress" ZDF um 9.00h + um 15.40h


Yael Adler "Ist das noch gesund?" neue Folge

    20. - 21.2.

Silke Beickert  "Der Tag" tgl. um 18.00h + "rbb24" um 22.45h


F. Rubin "Gibts da was Natürliches" neue Folge

    17. - 22.2.

Eva Grünbauer  "SAT.1 Bayern" tgl. um 17.30h



   22. + 23.2.   

Silke Beickert  "rbbUM6" + "rbb24" um 22.45h





Astrid Frohloff presents a "constructive journalism" TV series at rbb

Astrid FrohloffAstrid Frohloff reports constructively and solution-oriented in her new feature on topics that concern us all. "Besser geht immer" shows what others do better than us and what we can learn from them. In her first program, the journalist goes in search of innovative and people-friendly administrations that think about how to become more modern and faster. She found what she was looking for in Vienna and Barcelona. The 45-minute report in the genre "constructive journalism" will be broadcast on Monday, 13.5.2019 at 21.00 on rbb. Further episodes are planned for autumn. > to the TV programme

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