10. - 14.2.

Susanne Holst  "Tagesschau" ARD tgl. 12h - 17.15h


Julia Westlake  "Kulturjournal" NDR 22.45h

    24. - 28.2.

Susanne Holst  "Tagesschau" ARD tgl. 12h - 17.15h


Vera Cordes  "Visite" NDR 20.15h

   10. + 16.2.

Sara Bildau  "heute" ZDF um 12.00h + 17.00h


Susanne Holst  "Wissen vor acht" ARD 19.45h

   11. + 16.2.

Sara Bildau  "heute Xpress" ZDF um 9.00h + um 15.40h


Yael Adler "Ist das noch gesund?" neue Folge

    20. - 21.2.

Silke Beickert  "Der Tag" tgl. um 18.00h + "rbb24" um 22.45h


F. Rubin "Gibts da was Natürliches" neue Folge

    17. - 22.2.

Eva Grünbauer  "SAT.1 Bayern" tgl. um 17.30h



   22. + 23.2.   

Silke Beickert  "rbbUM6" + "rbb24" um 22.45h





H&S Medienservice GbR
Tobias Hoffmann · Rita Schmitt
Beim Schlump 84 F
20144 Hamburg-Rotherbaum

Phone: +49 40 450381-31How to get here

Mobile: +49 172 4023671

Web: www.hs-hh.de

Presenters  Speakers  Coaches  Experts  Authors

Medical Journalism  TV Production

Webdesign: n7media
Illustrations and calligraphies: Claus Dorsch
Photos: Katja Zimmermann, Hergen Schimpf, Axel Berger, Jenny Sieboldt, Joschka Lippelt, Thomas Leidig, Chris Böhm, J. v. Ramin, Michael Kappeler, Martin Neuhof, Anelia Janeva, Eugen Sommer, Birgit Hupfeld, Fabian Stürtz, Paul Leclaire, Dennis Heck, Thomas Ernst, Jan Northoff
Videos in the H&S-YouTube channels: Tobias Hoffmann, Rita Schmitt

Photos, videos, illustrations and calligraphies on all H&S websites and the YouTube channels of H&S are protected by copyright. Use requires the written consent of H&S.
We would like to thank the following companies for their friendly support during photo shootings: 

Brahms Kontor, Hamburg

Dermatologikum, Hamburg
Empire Riverside, Hamburg
Louisenhaus, Hamburg
Motel One, Hamburg
Unilever Haus, Hamburg

H&S Medienservice GbR
Rita Schmitt · Tobias Hoffmann
Beim Schlump 84 F
20144 Hamburg-Rotherbaum

T040 450381-31
M0172 4023671

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