10. - 14.2. |
Susanne Holst "Tagesschau" ARD tgl. 12h - 17.15h |
10.2. |
Julia Westlake "Kulturjournal" NDR 22.45h |
24. - 28.2. |
Susanne Holst "Tagesschau" ARD tgl. 12h - 17.15h |
11.2. |
Vera Cordes "Visite" NDR 20.15h |
10. + 16.2. |
Sara Bildau "heute" ZDF um 12.00h + 17.00h |
13.2. |
Susanne Holst "Wissen vor acht" ARD 19.45h |
11. + 16.2. |
Sara Bildau "heute Xpress" ZDF um 9.00h + um 15.40h |
10.2. |
Yael Adler "Ist das noch gesund?" neue Folge |
20. - 21.2. |
Silke Beickert "Der Tag" tgl. um 18.00h + "rbb24" um 22.45h |
29.1. |
F. Rubin "Gibts da was Natürliches" neue Folge |
17. - 22.2. |
Eva Grünbauer "SAT.1 Bayern" tgl. um 17.30h |
22. + 23.2. |
Silke Beickert "rbbUM6" + "rbb24" um 22.45h |
Welcome to H&S: Sara Bildau

The passionate political journalist and presenter is often seen on ZDF
Link to profile
Welcome to H&S: Sara Bildau
Sara Bildau presents the cross-media "heute Xpress" programs as well as the "heute" news at ZDF and is a member of the heute editorial team. Until 2021, Sara hosted the Phoenix formats "phoenix der tag," "phoenix vor ort" and "phoenix plus. The political journalist was also used for election broadcasts and as a live reporter at party conferences and summits. She can react spontaneously to global political events, explain contexts and analyse them with discussion partners. Sara Bildau studied media/communications economics and journalism and initially worked for ZDF "heute journal".
DrehenRTL Reporter Vanessa de Lacaze moderates ...
DrehenDr. "Bestseller" Yael Adler ...
DrehenSecond book from Dr. Karella Easwaran

We are looking forward to many interesting projects with the pediatrician from Cologne!
Her second book is again a bestseller
Talk: Blaue Couch
DrehenSecond book from Dr. Karella Easwaran
Karella Easwaran is a passionate pediatrician. Born in Ethiopia, she cares not only for the well-being of her patients but also for that of their mothers. The paediatrician completed her specialist training at the University of Cologne such as further training in naturopathy, nutritional and mind-body medicine. She became known in Germany through her bestseller "The Secret of Healthy Children", gives lectures and moderates events. Her second book was published by Kösel Verlag at the end of August 2020.
DrehenSusanne Holst makes us curious

"Wissen vor acht - Mensch" every Thursday at 7.45 pm in the ARD with Dr. Susanne Holst
view reports
Susanne Holst makes us curious
DrehenAstronaut Trainee Dr. Suzanna Randall

The natural scientist fascinates with lectures about stars and space - and whets young people's appetites for STEM subjects.
Astronaut Trainee Dr. Suzanna Randall
DrehenDr. Rubin remains SPIEGEL bestseller

In her current book, the TV doctor and naturopath, Franziska Rubin, presents better medicine for women.
DrehenDr. Rubin remains SPIEGEL bestseller
Women are often sick differently than men. Some diseases such as autoimmune diseases, eating or sleeping disorders affect them much more frequently. Typical common diseases such as heart attacks or depression tend to cause different symptoms in women than in men. Gender research proves this: Complaints, symptoms or courses can be quite different in women and therefore they need more often than previously known other drugs, doses or therapies to get well. The title was published on 1.10.21.